How to own your power and reveal your genius!

Sometimes in life we experience situations where we were not fully owning our power...
SomeONE did us wrong...told us off....burst our bubble, rubbed us the wrong way...bullied us...teased us...laughed at us...abandoned us, rejected us!
Or someTHING upsets us...pushes our buttons...triggers us into a frenzy...makes us feel not good enough...brings out the monster in us etc etc.
And if affected us, not in a good way. It diminished our sense of Self.
These can leave imprints and linger in the subconscious, attracting more of the same into your life and relationships.
Ouchie! 😖
But it doesn't have to stay that way. ☺️
It is possible to let it go. 🧚♂️
The small stuff and the bigger fluffy stuff.
Lovingly and knowingly.
Relationships and our personal power:
Zooming in further, we can ask ourselves whether the dynamics of our current relationships resemble the dynamics we saw as children, in the adults around us? And since our relationships mirror to us the relationship we’ve established with our-Self, it’s useful to ask where we have not honoured our needs or loved ourselves unconditionally. For instance, growing up, the relationship we had with our parents profoundly impacts each and every relationship we have today as adults (until we do the inner healing work.)
Previous generations had to carry a long line of ancestral trauma, on top of their own emotional confusion and lack of conscious awareness. And so without blaming and judgement, we understand the natural consequence of how subsequent generations will be affected until they became aware, conscious and willing to break the chain of limitation. In conscious evolution, we see more and more parents making conscious decisions to break the cycle, so unhelpful patterns are not passed on to their children but that they rather leave the next generation with a supportive emotional legacy and in doing so contribute positively to a more peaceful world.
It’s a win win, don’t you think?
👉Taking responsibility for our inner stuff (which believe it or not, is the template of our outer reality experience) and knowing that we can CHOOSE to take our power back is CONSCIOUS EMPOWERMENT. The type of power we are referring to here, is not power over others but personal power over your own sovereign being.
We can take back our power, by letting go of the old unresolved energies inside us, learning from them (and their opposites 😉) and then sending them off, whoosh, so we can free up our life force energy, which by the way is our birth right.
If we wake up to it ;-)
Time and again coming back to that place of power where you have more freedom, choice and flexibility in life is possible for anybody. All it takes as the 1st few steps is to be willing and curious…
And when we are lighter, we attract more positive things in life. The patterns evaporate and we grow stronger, more resilient, more loving and accepting and better able to connect with ourselves and others. And whatever we are birthing (new projects, new ideas, new babies) we can then do by remaining in our full creative power. So much to win, only old stuff to lose.
It's that simple.
I so looooove holding space for the re-emergence of an individual's power, to release the stuckness, then recode and integrate the new empowering software! Marrying my heart-centered presence with the Birth into Being method and Head Trash Clearance Method.
Here's what Lorna said after Conscious Empowerment sessions:
"My work with Marise was really key as I wanted to focus on when my power was really taken away. Marise was absolutely fantastic at holding really safe space for an incredibly triggering situation. I struggled to find my voice to say what I needed to but Marise made sure that I stayed present & gave me encouragement I needed to go past the sadness and access my power & my voice. I feel that our work together went easily especially when I consider how big and hard the actual issue was. I feel that was due to Marise’s presence and her skill in keeping me present and helping me find the next steps to take."
What's the Birth into Being Method?
A large body of deep processes & exercises holistically transforming conscious/unconscious birth, formative & other IMPRINTS for empowerment, freeing human suffering/potential, conscious evolution AND holistic & spiritual preparation for conscious conception and birth.
What's the Head Trash Clearance method
A life changing emotional clearance method that has helped 1000's to free up their head space by clearing fears, anxieties, stresses & reprogram beliefs/values.
Inside, there's a whole new YOU waiting to emerge, whenever you are ready!