Babies bring much joy, love and wonder but the transition into parenthood also means considerable changes for their parents to navigate.

Note: package also suitable for parents with newborn baby 0-12 weeks

I am Marise. As an expat mother, holistic pregnancy & child sleep practitioner I have learned there is much we can do to consciously prepare couples for the new world of sleep in welcoming each new baby into their home. And in my role supporting future/already parents, I've learned this work sets the tone for more calm and connection.

"When a baby is understood, that baby is loved. When the mother puts the baby to the breast, and the baby’s hungry, the baby is loved. When the mother picks the baby up and holds it and pats it and that’s what the baby wanted, that baby is loved. Being understood is being loved." - Bernard W. Bail, M.D.
*Virtual online during office hours or in-home sessions add 20%, in-office sessions in Bereldange add 10%.
Pre-recorded option also available.

Prenatal Session 1
2.5 hours
This personalised session will prepare you and your family lovingly and holistically for the new change in sleep that your family is about to experience. There is currently a huge gap in traditional antenatal education.
In general, this Session will include the following topics tailored to your unique family:
- Expectations and myths
- Summary of Healthy Sleep Foundations for newborns (incl Sleep Environment, Emotional Well-being & connection for the family, safety and much more)
- Connection, attachment and bonding
- The importance of Sleep
- Consistent Sleep Cues
- Sleep and Feeding
- Zoom in on Day Naps
- Understand Night Sleep
- Triggers for Sleep Difficulties
- Any special areas specific to your situation that we need to focus on
Prenatal Session 2
2.5 hours

During the 1st part of this session you will learn and practice soothing skills for newborns from "Happiest Baby on the Block" by Dr Harvey Karp to activate baby's calming reflex by mimicking womb sensations.
We will also review important topics from your 1st session as well as practice some key concepts, hands-on with Dolly (my new-born doll), baby bedding and other products pertaining to sleep so you are prepared for your sleepy baby on the way.
Lastly, we will develop your Newborn Sleep Blueprint so you have a plan. (Of course each baby is unique and we will adjust the plan if needed in our postnatal session).
Please note that this session is highly customised to each family as families and babies are very indivudial. What worked for your friend or aunty may not be appropriate for your family.
Postnatal Coaching Session
2.5 hours
Your baby is home and you are getting to know each other :-)
In this session, during the "4th trimester" (newborn phase (0 - 12 weeks), I will address all your questions and gently guide you through this transition in implementing the healthy sleep foundations.
There's no such thing as a silly question and nothing we implement will negatively affect your breastfeeding or attachment relationship with your baby. This is a no "sleep-training" zone.
Every couple's journey is unique.
Every baby is unique.

For the live package including:
7.5 hours (3 x 2.5h) of private 1:1 sessions*
16 handouts including your newborn sleep blueprint
is only €540
Prerecorded option including:
5 hours of audio - 8 modules
1 hour video recording + 2 handouts
16 handouts including your newborn sleep blueprint
2.5hr live (optional) coaching session*
is only €190
or €165 *excl. live coaching session
and the benefits will be
*Via online video call during office hours or in-home sessions add 15%, in-studio sessions at my studio Soulspace in Helmsange add 10%. Weekend/weeknight sessions add15%.
Mother of two, Preconception Prenatal & Parenthood Doula, Marise Hyman provides worldwide coaching, healing and education in preparing for an empowered conception, pregnancy, birth, life and parenthood journey.
She is an IMPI Peri-natal Coach/Educator, IMPI Holistic Pregnancy & Child Sleep Practitioner, Happiest Baby on the Block Educator, “Becoming Us” Facilitator, Dancing for Birth™ Instructor, Birth Advocate, Holistic Childbirth Educator, Reiki Practitioner, Fearless Birthing Professional, "Birth into Being" Facilitator (L1-4) and Calm Birth Teacher..