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Holistic Weaning Education



Weaning is commonly explained as “the process of gradually introducing a baby to what will be its adult diet and withdrawing the supply of its mother’s milk. The infant is considered to be fully weaned once it no longer receives any breast milk (or bottled substitute).”


But more importantly it is also commonly used to refer to the stage when solid foods are introduced to a baby.

"Thank you for a very good weaning workshop - I learnt some completely new information although I already have an older son, and you gave us very useful and practical tips which now I am trying to implement and it makes our life easier and funnier!"


- Katarina -

If you’re planning to feed your child a healthy diet right from the start, then leaving the rice cereal on the shelf will be a big help. There’s growing evidence that our diet in infancy and early childhood can influence our health in the future. Our immune system is mostly in our gut, so what we put in it has big repercussions for our health and wellbeing. Not only that, but more health experts are finally realising the massive impact of sugars and grains in our diet, both of which are a major cause of inflammation and disease. Read more..


1-on-1 Education and Support at a time that suits you, with more opportunity for your individual questions.

Only Luxembourg

Invite your mama friends and contact me to set up your private group workshop.



Any information provided during this workshop is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for advice from a qualified nutritionist or pediatrician. Talk to your health care professional about any questions you may have.

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